Let the Colorado Rocky Mountain Winter Begin

Panic over, the snow has arrived

Oblique Perspective, Reversed Equation, Pilgrim, Maypole.


Every year we go through this – or put ourselves through this – and every year, right on cue, right before Christmas the snow descends to form a perfect winter blanket, and with more equally fluffy powder on the way it looks as though old Mother Nature has done it again. Phew!



On the Cusp Hand Carved Marble Bowl, with Wolf Man Jack keeping an eye on matters at the rear.


And so here it is; The Snow, Our Snow – the Valley’s undoubted Star of Show, the jewel-in-the-crown, the cliche-in-the-book… back again, and as fluffy and billowy and as powdery as ever. Again, phew! eh?


In the immediate aftermath of a significant snow storm time itself can appear to have ground to a halt, and such was the case yesterday. For long moments the new snow lays entirely undisturbed, the air stirs not a breath. A peaceful quiet holds sway over the valley, and as I make my way around the sculpture garden, along paths I have trod many thousands of times over the years, its as if the sculpture, indeed the very garden itself, is again reborn, resplendent at the hand of that most marvelous and mysterious sculptor of all; our very own Mother Nature.


Chicane, On the Cusp, Wolf Man Jack


Never does the sculpture appear more at home in its environment than when swathed in freshly minted snow.

These photos were taken yesterday, Tuesday December 16, at around 12:55 in the afternoon. The snow began falling in the wee hours of the morning and to everyone’s delight – dargonit – if it didn’t just go right on and continue to fall clean on through the morning, right up until noon! Perfect grade A ten-out-of-ten stuff it was too – came down straight, and crisp, and even.


Snow upon the stone; now morphed for this one this one fleeting moment.


Along the Way,Snowgoyles, Wolf Man Jack,



Many are the times I wander these paths yet I invariably discover something new on which to ponder; a fresh creature shows its face, a migrating bird returns to refuel, strange tracks attract my attention… something. 

Winter comes along and its an altogether different story. After a gentle powder-puff storm such as this the Colorado Rocky Mountain Sculpture Garden is refreshed- renewed and reborn. The familiar landscape is transformed, the sculpture melds with the landscape to the point that it looks to all appearances as if it had been created by the same hand as the snow.


The Arbor and Bench


Arbor Bench


No matter how pristine, freshly minted or untracked the garden may be however it is guaranteed that the birds will have been there first, it being their garden after all.


Green Man


Good Ol’ Green Man (What a year he’s had!)… his only roll now is to preside over the birds as they greedily gobble seed from upon the frosted snow.

Meanwhile, its a case of same-ol’, same-ol’ for the Sea Monster ↓

Sea Monster, Snowgoyles, Mable, Dreadnought

“Don’t worry, I’m fine… lovin’ it !!!”




and now

the slideshow


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Meanwhile… things haven’t been going quite so rosy… down in The Colony.

The Colony

Stay Tuned !!!




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